Day 1:
- Focus on her needs.
- Read: Proverbs 5:18 & Ephesians 5:25
PURSUE: Focus all your attention, prayers, praise and encouragement on your wife today. Ask God to show you ways to serve, love and give her your best. Wives, receive from your husband. Do not read into his actions or his words, simply receive them.
PRAYER: God, we pray that our marriage will be built on trust, honesty, and the Gospel. Help us see each other the way You see us and love each other the way that You love us. Amen.
Day 2:
- Where it all started…
- Read: Mark 10:9
PURSUE: Go on a special date and talk about your first date, your first kiss, and how it all started. Be reminded of how God put you together on purpose and with purpose.
Share with each other: What made you fall in love with your spouse? What are your favorite things about your spouse?
PRAYER: God, we thank You for the blessing of our marriage. Thank You for bringing us together and building our family. Forgive us when we forget what You have done. May we be closer now more than ever before. Amen.
Day 3:
- Focus on his needs
- Read: Ephesians 5:22-24
PURSUE: Wives, focus all your attention, prayers, praise and encouragement on your husband. Ask God to show you ways to serve him, love him and give him your best. Give thanks to the Lord for the gift of your husband. Husbands, receive from your wife. Do not read into her actions or her words, simply receive them.
PRAYER: Lord, may the world see You in how we love and care for each other. May our marriage be a mirror image, reflecting the Gospel. Lord, we pray that we would grow closer together and closer to You. Amen.
Day 4:
- Picture of a future hope
- Read: Jeremiah 29:11
PURSUE: Take a few minutes to type or write out 5 things you want to do or accomplish in the next five years together. Schedule a time to share your lists with each other. Dream together and paint a picture of a future hope together.
PRAYER: Lord, You know the plans for our future. Thank You for Your faithfulness the past ____ years of marriage. May we move forward together and with You in the many days ahead. In all things, we give You the glory. Amen.
Day 5:
- The power of honesty
- Read: Colossians 3:8-10
PURSUE: Honesty is a powerful gift we can give our spouse that leads to healing and freedom. But we often hold back little things here and there from our spouse. Today, take time to be honest with yourself and with the Lord. Ask God to help you take steps to be more honest with Him and your spouse.
PRAYER: Lord, there is nothing we can do apart from You. With an honest heart, we ask that You would be the center of our marriage, our family, and our own hearts. Show us where we have fallen into the trap of lies and please show us Your truth. In Jesus name, Amen.
Bonus Points:
PURSUE: Sit down and plan out at least one date or day to spend time together each month for the next year. Schedule all the days in the calendar and take turns planning what you will do each month. It can be simple or elaborate. Have fun and commit to pursuing your spouse!